Breaking Sawm in Ramadan for a Shar`y excuse and breaking its compensatory Sawm before Zhuhr Prayer due to ignorance


Q: I broke my Sawm (Fast) during Ramadan for a Shar`y (Islamically lawful) excuse. When I was making up for that day, I broke my Sawm again before the Zhuhr (noon) Prayer as I was ignorant about the ruling. What should I do in such a case? And is there any Kaffarah (expiation) due?

A: You have to make up for the day which you failed to complete while observing Sawm. If you delay making up for it until the next Ramadan without a Shar`y excuse, you have to feed a needy person an amount of half a Sa` (1 Sa` = 3 kg. Approx.) of the staple food of your country, along with making up for it.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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